Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 3 - What to Write About?

What do I write about today? It's the third day of my quest to write every day.  What enlightening thing can I share today?

How about that a dear friend of mine - my best friend is on the brink of choosing to become a cloistered nun. Yup. That's right. Cloistered nun.

Cloistered as in no one from the outside can come in. AND She cannot go out. No personal possessions. A life of spiritual devotion and prayer. I am moved to tears when I think about her commitment to the world, to all people, and mostly her commitment to God.

Now let me tell you -- this woman has lived! Lived and loved. Had many adventures -- a lot more than me! I tell you that she has run the gamut from farm girl, to young nun, to lesbian, to funeral planner, to protector of children and more.  She has a zest for life. A boisterous laugh. A huge heart. Lots of opinions. She's made love to more men than me and that's saying something.

She raps. She went from helping people die to helping people live.  Entertained them with her humor. Cried with them over their heartache, their frailties, their vulnerabilities. She's helped hundreds of people (young and old) transform their lives and now she'll pray for all of us. Even the ones she doesn't know. She'll pray and carry on the habit of another nun by sprinkling holy water. My friend won't sprinkle to the four corners of a room but symbolically over a small treasured snow globe of the world. She'll pray for the protection of the world. She'll pray for me and you.

In the meantime, before she officially commits she'll begin letting go of material things. Letting go of her coca cola collection, her Christmas decorations, her dishes, books, artifacts, pictures, plants, her snow globe, and her beloved Molly. Letting go of the need for material things. Letting go of the need for going to the movies, taking a trip anywhere, going camping, watching her nieces/nephews play sports or sing in a recital. No driving. No long phone calls catching up on the events of the day. No more dinners with her sister but dinners with other sisters.

Once she has paid her debts, she'll go in. She says it'll be awhile. But it's already happened. She's committed, she's just not moved in yet. That's all. I can hear it in her voice. Peace, joy, and purpose. A sense of ease and serenity permeates her voice.

She wants to say she's afraid, but fear occurs only with the absence of God. And she knows that God is with her - always. He is with us all.

I am the one who is afraid. I am sad that I will not hear her voice daily. See caller ID with her name. I'll miss not being able to verbally share my life with her, have her hear me, and get her coaching. I'll have to share her with the world. Fortunate world! Wonder what her nun name will be. How fortunate am I to have her on my side?

I will perfect my letter writing. She's a terrible letter writer (well I assume she is since I've never gotten one). Maybe I'll give her self addressed stamped post cards -- the kind my Mom included in my bags when I went to camp. 

Having a good time. Talked to God today. Wish you were here. Love you.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! I know exactly who you are talking about and what a huge step she is making!!! I've never heard of a cloistered nun but she will be great, she's great at everything!! XOXO
