Now I have always been known as a dreamer, an optimist. I like that label. I encourage that opinion of me.
I have made miracles occur.
Some have faded into distant memory like having bought my own house. To many in my generation that was a huge accomplishment for a single mother. I raised over $100,000 for a bone marrow transplant for my nephew. Had no clue how to really do it, but forged ahead. Wasn't as popular in the 80s as it is now to have those kinds of fundraisers or get that kind of publicity -- especially from the Washington Post.
Some miracles are more recent... Buying mountain property. Made my lifelong dream of owning mountain property come true. Camping on that particular piece of dirt reminds me of how strong I am and that I can do anything! Building a cabin on the land is next. Right after our debt is paid off!
Getting married. Hey at fifty to have that deepest part of me fulfilled by the perfect man (thank you God for sending him to me) is a miracle. Words escape me when I get present to the miracle of this man who loves me to distraction. Reading all those romance novels doesn't even compare to the reality of being with my honey. I am a living romance novel. I created that.
So here we are selling the house. Last Fall, I created that the house would be listed in April, under contract in May, and closed by the end of June. As time elapses, my confidence seems to as well. It was listed in April (albeit the middle of April). Depressing news regarding the economy and a general lack of showings has shaken my confidence. An electronically generated comp report indicates that the value of the home is increasing. My confidence went on an up-swing. That combined with having a hard time letting go (even though it's my choice) is playing havoc with my mind. The mind is a dangerous place to go alone.
Reaching out to a friend, I am reminded that there are still 5 days left in May! It only takes a moment to be under contract. This is a lovely home waiting for the right family. That family will fall under it's spell and have to have the house, this weekend! A contract will be waiting on my fax before Memorial Weekend is over.
Family to be find this home and make it your own.
A perfect place to live and grow.
You will give Renee what she is owed.
Come with speed upon the wind and land at the door so both may win!
Then the back-up plan can go away and be what it was all along -- a safety net. Nothing wrong with a safety net. Thinking things through does not diminish the original creation. It's the way we are designed. Go with it. It's all made up anyway. Only I get to say how it goes for me!
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