Friday, October 1, 2010


They say that God does not give you more than you can handle. Well I must be one heck of a handler.  

We own two houses! Investors and landlords we did not set out to be.  Yet here we are living in Washington with two houses in Colorado.  One is rented and one is not. We would love to sell the house that my husband inherited from his divorce.  It's been for sale since January. It's now October! The question of the hour is not if it will sell but WHEN.

There is so much more we could be doing with our money than pay two mortgages.  Especially when we are paying for a house that we do not desire to own or live in.  Thoughts that flit through my mind are those that fantasize about paying off our debt.  Paying our two credits cards off, repaying loans to family/friends, getting the car a tune-up, new brakes, new tires, helping our children, and saving for the future.  We were so close.  So close to selling the house at the end of this month and then beginning our plan to become debt free.

I trust that all things happen for a reason and that sometimes we do not know what those reasons are.  Sometimes we won't find out for years.  Other times the purpose is immediately clear.  This is one of those times when it is not clear. 

What is the lesson to learn? 

Patience?  Trust?

I've been patient.  Knowing that at some point it will sell.  Sell to the right family for the right price and at the right time.

Then it must be trust.  Trust that God will not give me more than I can handle.  Trust that the consequences of not selling at this time will not cause undue distress or catastrophe in the other parts of my life.  Trust that there is a lesson for me to learn.  Trust that I am not alone.  Trust that I have a partner.  Trust that it will all work out. Trust that these fearful feelings will disappear. Trust that the tightness in my throat will go away. Trust that I can pay all of our bills this month.  Trust that my desire to eat away the problem is not the answer. Trust that this will end because I believe that God watches over me.

Ultimately, I don't know what the lesson is.  What I do know is that I will do my best.  The consequences I can accept especially since I have done my best.  That includes trusting the delay and the outcome.  All is well.

1 comment:

  1. Love and light honey! Prayers in your general direction;-)
